Resolve Debt Disputes. Use ZumaZip for Swift Resolution. Debt Settlement, Cease Collections, & Respond to Debt Lawsuits.

Whether you hire a lawyer or go DIY (pro se), ZumaZip has your back. Our online service automatically generates responses to debt-collection lawsuits. We provide ‘fill in the blank’ forms and legal navigation, empowering debtors to fight back and win against collectors. Beat debt collectors with ease using our automated software.

Resolve debt | Settle debt | Stop Collections
Resolve debt | Settle debt | Stop Collections
Welcome to ZumaZip - Zip through debt disputes with confidence!

Whether you need to reply to a debt lawsuit, settle a debt dispute, or force a lawsuit out of court, we've got you covered. Stop collection calls, increase your credit score, and regain control of your financial freedom. Let our technology empower you to overcome debt challenges with ease.

Find top-tier lawyers nationwide specializing in debt settlements and credit issues. Trust ZumaZip to connect you with ABA Standard-compliant attorneys.

Zip through debt disputes with confidence!

Stop Debt Lawsuits: Avoid Being Part of the 90% Who Lose Out!

Each year, 10 million Americans face lawsuits over debt. An overwhelming 90 percent of them end up losing by default simply because they struggle to navigate the response process within the tight window of 14-30 days. Protect your rights!

Credit Card Debt:
23% of adults have credit card debt in collections
Medical Debt:
11% of adults have credit card debt in collections
Student Loan Debt:
10.7% of adults have student loan debt in default or collection
Unpaid Utility Bills
28% of adults have credit card debt in collections


Experienced specialists

Our experienced team offers tailored solutions to manage and overcome credit card, medical, student loan, and utility debt challenges. Get expert guidance and regain control of your finances today.


Stable & predictable results

Discover stability and predictability with our proven approach. Whether it’s debt resolution, dispute, or settlement our experts deliver consistent and reliable results. Trust in our track record for stability and achieve your financial goals with confidence.


100% Satisfaction guarantee

Experience peace of mind with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. ZumaZip services are backed by our commitment to your complete satisfaction. Trust in our expertise and track record.


20+ Years in consulting business

For over 20 years, we’ve been resolving credit card, medical, student loan, and utility debt challenges with expertise and reliability. Trust our seasoned professionals to provide tailored solutions and guide you toward financial freedom. Benefit from our extensive experience and take control of your finances today.

Any questions? Request a call-back to get a free analysis of your debt situation!

Why choose

Once your debt issues are settled, 5 ways your life is about to change:

Real People, Real Reviews, Real Results: We're Here to Stop Collection Calls!